While the 40th anniversary was in the shadow of big budget cuts and worry about the future of COSI, the 50th anniversary was a total party. In fact, it was multiple parties throughout the day.
The day started with an Alumni Luncheon. Guests entered and where given an schedule, scavenger hunt, bingo card, sticker, and picture release form.
The luncheon was held in Gallery 1. In it was a projector showing old pictures (some from this site :) ) and videos of The Little Rascals (Our Gang). There were various stations set-up for people to try different types of science experiments/play and there were tables with old COSI merchandise.
At 10:30, for the first time in the new building, COSI did the 1812 Overture and guests popped hydrogen filled balloons. When the center large balloon was popped, the 'i" of COSI literally fell off. This was followed by the announcement that the Planetarium would reopen. This was followed by a preview of the planetarium (when it fully reopened though it would have permanent new equipment.
Lunch for the luncheon actually starts at about 11:30. COSI's president, David Chesebrough, speaks and then there are alumni pictures from each decade. Ice cream is made using liquid nitrogen. After that it's just reminiscing about the old days and exploring around the room. Below are the alumni from the 1960s Now below we see the alumni from the 1970s The 80s decided to get a little crazy. The 90s (best decade) come next. Finally the 2000s take over. The alumni enjoy the rest of the day at COSI and many go to the Spagetti Warehouse afterward. At night a big Blast! party is held.