We are in the Free Enterprise section of COSI, looking at the economy and how it works. Do you want to play a computer game? There are many in this area. You can play a game that asks questions. If you get them right, the slot machine spins and you could win a lot of points. You could play a lemonade game, operating a lemonade stand for 3 days during a fair. You have to decide how much lemonade to make, how many cups to buy, and what price to sell for. Pay attention to the weather. Look there is a model of the "Bicentenary Liberty Bell."

Behind the Free Enterprise section is a crime section. To our left is the Water Wonders section.

Credit: Upp Family, COSI's last day

Play the Lemonade Game (Warning: Takes you off this website. Not same as game at COSI).

Walk past the crime section to the metric system.

See the amazing things computers can do.

Go to the Weater Station.

Go to the presidents' display (and toward old town).

Go to the Water Wonders section.

Go to Angler Ted's Pier/exploration ship (and toward elevator and planetarium).

Head to Our Earth Theater.