Welcome to COSI's old town, The Street of Yesteryear.

We see a kitchen and paper shop on one side of the street. On some days we can make paper. On the other side is a candle shop. Some days we can make our own candles with COSI volunteers. We also see a blacksmith and a general store. To the left of the blacksmith shop is a plaque reading, "The Smith, a mighty man was he."

This section of the Street of Yesteryear

OGo into the kitchen.

Employee/Volunteer only: OReport to the volunteer office.

OMake a candle.

OMake some paper.

OHead to the blacksmith.

OHead to the general store.

OHead to the tinsmith.

Further down the Street

OGo down the street to the Nickelodeon, arcade, dress shop and more.

OHead down the street to the dentist, doctor's office, textile area, and more.