Welcome to COSI's old town, The Street of Yesteryear.

As we walk into this cross-section of history, we can see a variety of things that would have been seen on America's past streets. The street starts on one side in about 1780 and each shop moves us a couple of years forward in time until we reach 1923 at the end (1)

Down the Street

Walk to the late 1700s/early 1800s and see the dentist, doctor's office, textile area, and more.

Walk down the street to the late 1800s/early 1900s and see the Dreamland Nickelodeon, elephants, dress shop, arcade, and more.

Outside Street of Yesteryear

OGo to the Crack Jack display.

OGo the presidents' display.

OWalk to the Museum's Attic.

Turn to the Holograms.

Information came from an official COSI brochure.

Video was cut from a part of the video Squirtman-Educational Trip to COSI. Thank you Squirtman and Rubbertoe. You can visit their official website at squirtman.com.